Key Goals


Goal #1

Development and validation at full scale engine conditions of EGR advanced GT burners with multifuel capabilities

Goal #2

Development and assessment of high EGR rate GT burners with multifuel capabilities

Goal #3

Assessment of developed GT-EGR advanced burners on real engine configuration for retrofit validation

Goal #4

Assessment of CCS-GT integration and overall system performance

Goal #5

Assessment of global sustainability with environmental/social/economic impact

TRL 4 targets - Scenario #1

  • Stable GT combustion operations up to 50% dry EGR at ISO base load conditions

  • Single digit NOx and CO emissions at ISO base load conditions

  • Stable GT combustion operations up to 40% dry EGR at 50% part load conditions

  • Single digit NOx and CO15 less than 25 ppm at 50% part load conditions

  • Complete knowledge and scientific proofs on the role of localized hydrogen / air injection up to high-pressure conditions from laboratory single burner investigations

  • Assessment of technology on a real combustor geometry to confirm EGR rates at both ISO base load and 50% load.

TRL 3 targets - Scenario #2

  • Stable GT combustion operations up to 60% dry EGR at ISO base load conditions

  • Single digit NOx and CO15 less than 25 ppm at ISO base load conditions

  • Stable GT combustion operations up to 45% dry EGR at 50% part load conditions

  • Single digit NOx and CO15 less than 40 ppm at 50% part load conditions

  • Knowledge and scientific proofs of the role of localized hydrogen / pure oxygen injections by the means of numerical validated tools

  • Analysis of technology on real combustor configuration including first turbine stage to assess full retrofit capability and possible impact on engine performance and durability