Experimental tests

A first set of experimental tests will be carried at THT-Lab of UNIFI to support the design phase of GT-EGR burners. Tests will be carried at atmospheric pressure in a single cup, tubular rig with full optical access on the flame. Planned tests will see the characterization of the flow field in reactive conditions by 2D PIV measurements. Flame morphology and stabilization process will be analysed by OH* or CH* chemiluminescence maps.

Optical single-sector test rig at UNIFI premises

With the aim to validate the proposed GT-EGR burners and reach the expected TRL4 for the technology, a second set of experiments will be realized at DLR premises in Stuttgart (https://www.dlr.de/content/en/institutes/institute-of-combustion-technology.html). High-pressure, high-temperature testing in the 1 MW range, combined with laser-based diagnostic will be employed to provide valuable characterization of the combustion process at high EGR conditions. Important part of the planned experiments is the determination of stability maps, thermodynamics and emissions behaviour and flame shapes for a variety of conditions. Application of laser-based diagnostics to a set of operating conditions under variation of, for example, EGR ratio or H2 addition, shall provide insight into the flame stabilization mechanisms, enables derivation of trends and will support CFD modelling with accurate data sets.DLR HBK-S test rig adopted for high-pressure validation test using sophisticated optical diagnostics

DLR HBK-S test rig adopted for high-pressure validation test using sophisticated optical diagnostics